It can happen. K&A develops relationships with interested buyers in order to understand what they’re seeking and to better screen those that aren’t serious. From Axial Forum: ************************* How Do You Know When a Buyer Is Wasting Your Time? By Mark O’Neill Selling a business can be a long, complicated process. So it can be […]
While this article is a little harsh in its criticism of CPA valuations, it has a valid point in that they are typically not based on current market data. There’s something to be said about a valuation opinion from a professional who knows how buyers evaluate companies and what they are paying. If you need […]
From Walking Away From A Business: Can We Still Be Friends? By Kevin Meehan For entrepreneurs, walking away after selling a business can be a lot like going through a breakup: some move on to the next stage in their lives quickly, while others struggle to find a new role. The situation becomes more […]
Deal structures like the ones mentioned in this article are high-risk propositions for business sellers and most common when business owners try to sell their businesses themselves. While most K&A transactions have some seller-financing (what the author calls “vendor take back”) for good reasons, that should be a much lower percentage of the selling price […]
Kasper & Associates has relationships and experience with many major North Texas lenders. Please contact us for a recommendation to the right bank for your needs. From Axial Forum: ****************************** Term Loans 101: Term Loans Explained By John Scharbach Whether you need funds to start a new business or to grow your existing business, you […]
Richards Supply Company, headquartered in Waco, Texas, has acquired Manske Material Handling located on South Main Street in Fort Worth, Texas. Richards now has four distribution centers in Texas with two locations serving the Dallas/Fort Worth market. Founded by David Manske in 1993, Manske Material Handling is a wholesale distributor of wheels, casters, hand trucks, […]
From Mergers & Acquisitions ************************************* Pickup in M&A Predicted by Dealmakers, Following Republican Sweep Audax Group’s Geoffrey Rehnert and Avante’s Jeri Harman were among the dealmakers we interviewed at the 2016 ACG LA Business Conference By Demitri Diakantonis There’s going to be “a pickup in M&A,” says Jim Freedman, chairman, Intrepid Investment Bankers LLC, reflecting […]
Kasper & Associates believes the combination of our M&A specialists and our proven processes allows our clients to sell their companies in less time, in a more confidential manner and under more favorable financial terms than they could achieve on their own. From Axial Forum: ************************** Investment Bankers Add Value for 100% of Sellers, CEO […]
From Fort Worth Business: Small businesses can expect policy changes under Trump JOYCE M. ROSENBERG, AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) — The election of Donald Trump as the next U.S. president has small business advocates expecting policy changes on issues like health care and the environment. But they’re concerned about gridlock persisting even with […]
Kasper & Associates is happy to provide professional references including previous clients, buyers and advising professionals. Download the K&A Info Package on our Home Page for a list, and click here to read testimonials. Article from Divestopedia: ************************************ How to Check an Investment Banker’s References By Bill Snow Takeaway:Bill Snow examines five typical questions sellers […]