From our friend, Marvin Blum, of The Blum Firm, PC: ********************* 2012 IS THE “PERFECT STORM” FOR ESTATE PLANNING The gift tax exemption is at a historical high of $5,120,000 at the same time that the gift tax rate of 35% is the lowest rate in almost a century! The gift tax exemption is […]
Kasper & Associates maintains faith in the American spirit and we believe in the power of positive thinking. To that end, we’ve established a monthly posting to our blog – Success Maxims — a collection of our favorite motivational quotes, essays and leadership advice. (For a complete collection, e-mail your mailing address to SUCCESS MAXIMS […]
Remembering those who sacrificed for us, have a great Memorial Day weekend.
Words mean things. Learn to write faster, more meaningful, more persuasive words to grow your sales with Wes Schaeffer & Samantha Bennett as they present the 7 Copy Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money & Keeping You From The Success You Deserve. For information and to sign up for the free preview webinar/teleclass, click […]
From Just Call Me Angel Smaller companies in search of cash have a new source: big companies. Alix Stuart, CFO Magazine When finance executive Ane Ohm joined Harqen, an early-stage company that makes tools to index and analyze recorded phone conversations, one of her reasons for taking the job was, in a sense, lofty: […]
Kasper & Associates maintains faith in the American spirit and we believe in the power of positive thinking. To that end, we’ve established a monthly posting to our blog – Success Maxims — a collection of our favorite motivational quotes, essays and leadership advice. (For a complete collection, e-mail your mailing address to SUCCESS MAXIMS […]
From Capital vs. Confidence Banks say they want to lend to smaller companies, but credit remains tight. Is relief in sight? Alix Stuart, CFO Magazine Last September, Centennial Bank announced that the U.S. Treasury Department had granted it $1.8 million through the Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF). Jim Basey, Centennial chairman and CEO, says the […]
Posted by Peter Lehrman on AxialMarket: ************ This article is part of our series onSelling Private Companies. In this post, we review the various techniques a business owner can employ in approaching buyers when selling their company, the pros and cons of the different techinques, and provide some recommendations based on AxialMarket’s observations working with […]
Kasper & Associates maintains faith in the American spirit and we believe in the power of positive thinking. To that end, we’ve established a monthly posting to our blog – Success Maxims — a collection of our favorite motivational quotes, essays and leadership advice. (For a complete collection, e-mail your mailing address to SUCCESS MAXIMS […]
From Buyer beware: If a company is “troubled”, it’s probably for a multitude of reasons. Don’t attempt a turnaround in an industry you’re unfamiliar with — this is not a learning situation. If you have little experience in that company’s industry, it will be very difficult to make the immediate decisions that are vital […]