We’re often approached by entrepreneurs seeking investor financing. This article gives good advice for where to start. From http://www.inc.com/millennial-entrepreneurs/how-to-create-an-investor-presentation.html How to Create an Investor Presentation By Scott Gerber, July 7, 2011 There is no right, wrong or definitive way to get the attention of investors. Sometimes chance encounters at events or cocktail parties lead to meeting invitations. […]
From Fred Wilson, Venture Capitalist: http://www.avc.com/a_vc/2011/06/financing-options-customers.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AVc+%28A+VC%29 Financing Options: Customers I wrote in an earlier post in this series that friends and family is the most common form of startup financing. If you are talking explicitly equity investments, then that is probably true. But the most common way that startup businesses get money to get going is they […]
Kasper & Associates maintains faith in the American spirit and we believe in the power of positive thinking. To that end, we’ve established a monthly posting to our blog – Success Maxims — a collection of our favorite motivational quotes, essays and leadership advice. (For a complete collection, e-mail your mailing address to contact@kasperassociates.com.) SUCCESS MAXIMS […]
Senior Associate Tony Ford will be speaking on “Overcoming Tough Obstacles — Personal & Professional” at The Alternative Board’s Business Bites luncheon in July. Click on the link to register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1809850311
Many business owners go on to new activities and endeavors once they’re sold their businesses. K&A client Jim Marshall, former owner of Marshall Grain Company, devotes a significant amount of time to charitable causes including the Boy Scouts of America Longhorn Council and Streams and Valleys, Inc. In this video, Jim talks about a recent […]
With many companies rebounding from challenging economic conditions, we’ve seen a valuation divide between buyers and sellers in today’s market. Buyers, as always, are primarily concerned with historical financial performance while sellers describe the last few years as aberrations. Sellers would rather focus on projections of the profit potential that will be unleashed once the […]
Great article from Bloomberg by a Yale professor. His encounter with a small business owner helps him understand what a limited perspective many academics have regarding the real world of entrepreneurs. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-26/carter-economic-stagnation-explained-at-30-000-feet.html Carter: Economic Stagnation Explained, at 30,000 Feet By Stephen L. Carter – May 26, 2011 The man in the aisle seat is trying to tell me […]
Kasper & Associates maintains faith in the American spirit and we believe in the power of positive thinking. To that end, we’ve established a monthly posting to our blog – Success Maxims — a collection of our favorite motivational quotes, essays and leadership advice. (For a complete collection, e-mail your mailing address to contact@kasperassociates.com.) SUCCESS MAXIMS […]
K&A is proud to align with Senior Associate Tony Ford’s latest venture, www.tonyford.com. Grow a business; Buy a business; Sell a business — K&A can help with every stage. Click here to see Tony’s introductory video on your browser, or here to view it at the Kasper & Associates Facebook page.
K&A Senior Associate Tony Ford has asked to address business leaders at an Untyed event sponsored by Insperity, Wednesday, May 11th, 8:30 a.m. at the Fort Worth Club. Tony’s presentation, entitled “Overcoming Tough Obstacles”, will help business owners to gain a new perspective, leverage new resources and access new resources to help overcome the major […]