Friend of the firm, Marvin Blum, Founder and Managing Partner of The Blum Firm, PC, with offices in Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin and Houston, emphasizes the importance of succession planning for business owners. He recommends a first step of bringing together an advisory planning team. K&A’s merger and acquisition specialists bring a practical and unique […]
Interesting take on the causes of inflation and other issues by Economist Dr. M. Ray Perryman at The Perryman Group. “On the Path” By Dr. M. Ray Perryman The US economy continues to recover from the pandemic. Even in the midst of challenges both domestically and internationally, our latest projections call for expansion over the […]
Key quote: “Having an experienced professional in your corner will ease the stress and help you feel more confident with the process.” From How To Sell Your Business Using A Thoughtfully Planned Exit Strategy Written by Melissa Houston Are you a business owner who wonders what you will do with your business when you […]
Although we’ve turned the page on the calendar for the New Year, some things remain the same. We’re still enjoying a Seller’s Market in the merger & acquisition environment with interested and financially capable buyers significantly outnumbering those ready to sell their companies. This means that companies that go to market today have many interested […]
I enjoyed sitting down with Rob Schulz, Owner of Schulz Wealth, for his P&L (Priorities and Lifestyle) Podcast. Titled “Becoming Comfortable with Selling”, we covered a lot of ground, including what a business owner can do to increase the value of their business, how to prepare a company for sale and some of the emotional […]
Answering the Bell For years many of you have been in a prize fight as a business owner. You’ve gotten out of your corner of the ring even when you didn’t feel like doing so. You’ve answered the bell and taken punches from all sides — bureaucratic regulators, irate employees, shoddy competitors. You’ve landed some […]
Kasper & Associates maintains faith in the American spirit and we believe in the power of positive thinking. To that end, we’ve presented Maxims for Success — a collection of our favorite motivational quotes, essays and leadership advice. MAXIMS for SUCCESS –Part 30– Directions in Uncertain Times President Ronald Reagan always seemed to have the […]
Gov. Abbott: Business is booming in Texas. Here’s how Fort Worth plays a major role By Gov. Greg Abbott in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram When choosing to relocate its corporate global headquarters from California to Fort Worth, Wesco Aircraft Hardware Corp. recognized the competitive business advantages found only in Texas. And it is in good […]
The migration from California to Texas continues for a variety of reasons. Four of the top seven counties for relocations are located in North Texas. In the spirit of “Don’t California My Texas”, we’d like to welcome our new residents with one of our favorite Success Maxims (#9 if you’re counting), the “Texan Code of […]
Written by Ryan Holiday, Ramit Sethi, Seth Godin and others. The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals Why is it that some people seem to be hugely successful and do so much, while the vast majority of us struggle to tread water? The answer is complicated and likely multifaceted. One aspect is mindset—specifically, the difference between […]