Our friends at Northern Trust published an outlook on proposed tax policy changes. A recent Forbes article featuring Pamela Lucina, Northern Trust Chief Fiduciary Officer, addresses these proposals. Capital Gains Tax Hike and More May Come Just After Labor Day By Ashlea Ebeling, Senior Contributor, Personal Finance The House Ways and Means Committee may release […]
Heating Up After an unseasonably cool and rainy beginning to summer, Texans are now back to reality with our normal August triple digit temperatures. Along with the hotter weather, we’re experiencing the M&A market heating up as well. In most years we see an increase in seller activity after Labor Day. However this year that […]
Kasper & Associates maintains faith in the American spirit and we believe in the power of positive thinking. To that end, we’ve presented Maxims for Success — a collection of our favorite motivational quotes, essays and leadership advice. MAXIMS for SUCCESS –Part 29– “Encouraging Words for Challenging Times” “Without courage, all other virtues lose their […]
“Old Glory” Author Unknown I am your Flag. I have been kicked, trampled, burned, and shot full of holes. I have fought battles, but I prefer the untroubled air of a world at peace. I am your Flag. I represent the freedom of humanity, and I shall fly high, thundering in silence for the whole […]
Kasper & Associates maintains faith in the American spirit and we believe in the power of positive thinking. To that end, we’ve presented Maxims for Success — a collection of our favorite motivational quotes, essays and leadership advice. MAXIMS for SUCCESS –Part 28– “Blessings” (Laura Story) We pray for blessings, we pray for peaceComfort for […]
Hillsdale College has produced a stirring Memorial Day tribute video honoring those that gave all for our freedom. Watch the special video here.
To whom is interested, I am pleased to announce the sale of ANZEA Textiles recently, that was brokered by Kasper & Associates. I had known Ed Kasper since 1985 when I was looking for a small acquisition. We spent some time together during that period getting to know each other. ANZEA was formed in 1990 […]
As Kasper & Associates (K&A) begins year 37, it’s notable that K&A has been most fortunate over the years to maintain a superb staff having superior credentials ideal for merger and acquisition advisory work. We’ve found that the only way to be successful in this adventure – with all its challenges, unpredictability and immensely high […]
Yes, negotiating a transaction can be painful and time-consuming. Especially if you try to go it alone like the author and her brother appear to have done. Her story is an excellent endorsement for having a professional M&A advisor involved to oversee the process, assist with negotiations, advise about potential deal structures and take care […]
Benjamin Franklin is given credit for being the first to suggest Daylight Savings Time in 1784. However, it was not implemented until President Woodrow Wilson did so in 1918 during World War I to conserve coal and other fuels which were needed for our war effort. The DST mandate was repealed after the war. Then […]