To balance the recent negative portrayal of private equity firms, Stephen Connor at Hamilton Robinson Capital Partners provided a few facts. ***************************** The recent presidential election cycle brought back many unfavorable stereotypes regarding private equity firms and the way they work. These misconceptions are often held by many small business owners, and may affect their […]
The Small Business Administration (SBA) now offers SizeUp, a free online tool for business owners to compare their businesses with others in their industries using hundreds of public and private sources. SizeUp provides geographic information including suggesting areas for advertising campaigns. Like many government programs, it’s not perfect and it doesn’t translate for every company. […]
From FOXBusiness. We’re optimistic that America will get back to business once there is clarity for the future. ******************************* Businesses Put Hiring on the Back Burner: Survey By Matthew Rocco Election 2012 Published October 23, 2012 Reuters Small business owners are holding back from hiring additional employees ahead of the upcoming presidential election, according to a survey from Adecco. […]
From If you haven’t heard the term “sequestration”, now’s the time to learn and act. ***************************** Looming federal cuts big risk to small companies Written by JOYCE M. ROSENBERG AP Business Writer Oct. 25 NEW YORK —Laura Schoppe’s small business gets about half of its revenue from contracts with the federal government. It’s […]
From We’d certainly be interested to hear feedback from our accounting friends. **************************** Five Things Your Accountant Won’t Tell You “Not Everyone Knows What They Are Doing”. Please be careful when choosing a CPA. Some studies show that as many as HALF of all tax preparers aren’t certified public accountants. Some are nothing at […]
From Texas Business Today, a publication of the Texas Workforce Commission, this article points out the basic points to remember in Non-Compete Agreements. While written for employers, the main ideas are the same for a Non-Compete entered into by a business seller. ************************ It is fairly common to hear employers on our Employer Hotline tell […]
Friend of the firm Joan Ridley gives a brief overview of private equity groups, one of the three classifications of buyers K&A approaches on behalf of our seller clients. She does a good job of describing typical criteria, however, K&A has relationships with many groups with expanded scope that will look at companies that don’t […]
Tom Deans, Ph.D., author of Every Family’s Business, does a great job explaining the emotional connection many business owners have with their companies. Buyers should understand this connection when negotiating a purchase. Key quote: “Deals get done based on trust and respect earned by intermediaries paying homage to the things in a business that transcend […]
More and more aspects of the health reform law are being learned each day, as well as the effects it will have on businesses. Curious quote: “It’s still unclear how the IRS will enforce the rules.” **************************** Trying to duck health care’s employer rules? Don’t bother By Jose Pagliery @CNNMoney July 13, 2012: 5:10 AM ET […]
As we celebrate Independence Day, K&A also celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit that makes our country exceptional. FREE ENTERPRISE CREED (Author Unknown) I’m proud of my country and I believe in the free enterprise system which made her great. I’m grateful for my sacred heritage. I pledge that I’ll do all in my power to protect it. To […]