Written by Dave Choate: How To Make Your About Us Pages Matter To Customers Customers can find out about your company in any number of ways. Why not let them do so through your website? Making your website perfect is impossible. By the time you get it exactly to where you want it to be, […]
From the Fort Worth Business Press: **************************** Protecting your company against preference lawsuits Robert Simon and Spencer Soloman – Guest Columnists What is a “preference” lawsuit? Your company sells to a long-time customer and delivers an invoice for $10,000. The customer pays the $10,000 thirty days after the invoice is due. Sixty days later, the […]
A question frequently asked of us is the following one: “Is this a good time to sell a business?” Our initial response is typically, “Why do you want to sell?” The most common reasons given for selling include one or more of the following. It’s time I retire. I have health issues. I have marriage/family […]
From friend of the firm, Marvin Blum, The Blum Firm, PC: IMPORTANT TAX ALERT! Although we have been hoping that there would be no major tax law changes until December 31, 2012, we are now concerned that significant changes could take effect before the end of 2011. Last month, Congress voted to increase the nation’s […]
Interesting sales perspective from our friend, Wes Schaeffer, “The Sales Whisperer”: _____________________________________ The Profitability of One Time Offers You’re In Business To Make A Profit, Right? The easiest, most profitable way to grow your business is to make a fantastic offer to a new prospect or customer the moment they identify themselves. Think about it. […]
From Inc.com: http://www.inc.com/articles/201108/6-reasons-to-keep-your-business-small.html 6 Reasons to Keep Your Business Small Author John Warrillow proposes an alternative to setting your sights on building a $200 million business: Focus on building a $2 million company instead. By John Warrillow | Aug 8, 2011 The generally-accepted dogma among entrepreneurs is “bigger is beautiful.” You’re nothing until you have some brand […]
In assisting our family business clients in making the right decisions for the futures of their companies, K&A believes it is important to examine all options. This article highlights several issues to consider about passing a business to the next generation. ************ Corporate Governance: Keeping it in the Family When handing your company down from […]
We’re often approached by entrepreneurs seeking investor financing. This article gives good advice for where to start. From http://www.inc.com/millennial-entrepreneurs/how-to-create-an-investor-presentation.html How to Create an Investor Presentation By Scott Gerber, July 7, 2011 There is no right, wrong or definitive way to get the attention of investors. Sometimes chance encounters at events or cocktail parties lead to meeting invitations. […]
From Fred Wilson, Venture Capitalist: http://www.avc.com/a_vc/2011/06/financing-options-customers.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AVc+%28A+VC%29 Financing Options: Customers I wrote in an earlier post in this series that friends and family is the most common form of startup financing. If you are talking explicitly equity investments, then that is probably true. But the most common way that startup businesses get money to get going is they […]
Senior Associate Tony Ford will be speaking on “Overcoming Tough Obstacles — Personal & Professional” at The Alternative Board’s Business Bites luncheon in July. Click on the link to register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1809850311